Silence of the Lambs?

I find it sad, and a little disturbing that the teachers in our area are silenced. What kind of world do we live in when our teachers live in fear of speaking out against what is clearly wrong in the school, or the school system? Shouldn’t our teachers who are in the daily grind of the classroom and the school be the ones making decisions and guiding the direction of our schools? How can they guide our youth, when they have no say in what they do in the school or the classroom? How are we to trust they they can do the right thing for our children when muzzles constrict their voices?

I know its easier said than done, but I wish our teachers would rise up together as one very large and loud voice. I know they want too, I know they wish they could, but I also know they can. They need to be heard. They deserve to be heard.

I know we are scared.. scared of the world around us, scared of the system. Shouldn’t we be more afraid of what will happen if we don’t use our voices as opposed to what will happen if we do?

What will become of our system and our future if we continue to be sheep in the herd and allow a few rulers who have no vested interested other than their own be the decision makers. How is it that the ones making these choices for our children and our teachers are the ones who aren’t in the school day to day? They have no students in the system, they are not teaching in classrooms, how is it that we have decided they know whats best? In reality, they don’t.

Speak up, Rise above. Not for me, not for you.. but for our children, for our future. 

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